Life in the Garden

Things that decided to return.

Chives and Parsley
That Borage!
More Borage!
Need to clean up this Purple Kale.
Big Borage Plant!
The seeds on these Mustard Greens are coming in.
I think these are Ferns.
Alpine Sea Holly…Maybe, 😆
Hosta and Sweet Williams
Where did this Hosta come from?
Gonna clean this area up, small rose bush.
Dusty Miller, new growth! I thought these were annuals.
More Dusty Millers
More Hostas
Need to move these Strawberries.
Hydrangeas coming in.
Hosta and Yellow Trout Lillie’s, which I don’t remember planting
Another Hosta

So much to clean up, started but nowhere near done.


Peace and Love…


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