The Seed Collector…

So whenever I’m walking around the neighborhood or at work outside, I constantly scan for seeds to pick up. I don’t care if it’s for a flower or tree, it’s coming home with me to see if I can grow it.

This morning I took our city bus up the street to another building on campus and I see this beautiful tree (below) when I’m walking to the doors with pink flowers on them. I had no idea what it was, but I saw a lot of potential seeds on the ground. I made a mental note to grab a few to see if we can get them germinated. Didn’t know it was a Magnolia. I will be going back to collect more, hopefully it won’t be raining like today.

What I really need is a branch, but the seeds will do for now.

Saucer Magnolia (Actual Tree; Left)

On another note, if you are reading this, have a FANTASTIC rest of your day.

Peace and Love…


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